Isabel Esterl

Welcome to my website. 

My work is basically about asking transformative questions that encourage an exploration of one’s inner landscape. This process opens the possibility to align actions with true integrity and personal rhythm.

In my approach, feelings are welcomed and allowed to be expressed openly. Aliveness is drawn from the smallest moments and the ongoing cycle of renewal. Actions are inspired by each person’s unique heartbeat, fostering authentic potential where creation and collaboration can thrive.

My purpose is to create a space where healing is both a practice and a journey toward a deeper 5 body understanding of reality. Mistakes are seen not as failures but as opportunities for learning, with a focus on the consequences and results of one’s choices.

Radiance without reason and the delivery of one’s inner non-material value are central to this work. Radical responsibility emerges from a profound love for life and a commitment to nurturing it. Each vision is regarded as a sacred Flower, requiring care and attention.

If the importance of presence resonates with you and you search for new results in your life, please reach out.


On my life journey, I focus on living authentically and connecting with life. My mission is to encourage humans- specially women and children to discover their own authority and follow their unique paths. I create spaces where individuals can explore their potential and move beyond societal expectations, fostering an environment of growth into adulthood.

My dedication lies in creating opportunities for the evolution of consciousness to happen and to transform what destroys life on planet earth.

Voices of Humans who experienced my Spaceholding


For me, Isabel navigated me to explore where my energetic body is and where it goes. I was able to sense and express anger about and fear about and sadness about the experience since I was young of my energy being far outside of me, in the gaze of others looking back at me, and between me and other people, always moving towards them and away from myself. 


Even in the ocean, in a moment of total oneness with the sacred experience of Gaia herself, some of my energy would travel all the way 100 yards behind me to the beach and be considering wherever people were looking at me or not. This is why I was living in a story that the only place of complete ease is alone. 


I shared this and was able to distinguish how it has gone for me, and Isabel offered a completely new practice of bringing my energy close to me and my bones, allowing my bright principles to move through me and sending some of my bright principles back to myself while centered. I felt my low level fear to be centered, and continue to, a totally new distinction landing deep in me. I had been trying to use anger to hold my center and now I have a completely new tool of how it goes. Not anger to hold my center in, but rather inviting my energy to my bones where anger lives. Truly magic. 


Two days later I was able to meet Isabel and give her a tender and warm hug of appreciation here in Brazil. Thank you so much Isabel. 


And, I share here because the shift in my experience and the size of my joy of practicing centering is so BIG. 


I am celebrating  Isabels knack for Inner Structure Engineering. She held a coaching space for me yesterday and landed distinctions in my Being, exactly where I was missing them. This opened up doorways for me to be with the identity of Spaceholder in a totally new way.

 I discovered how to put my energetic body close to my bones and hold space from there, 

to be centred, grounded and bubbled and let the light/information in rather than reaching out to search for it. 

That 10% of my bright principles are meant to flow back to me, 

to holdspace for myself, 

that part of my job is to be incompetent at the moment and using that as a rich discovery ground for my evolution.   

I did not have clarity on what Inner Structure work is until this session, I highly recommend a space with Isabel she has a knack of being with, to land the exact distinction that is missing. 


One of my projects is to empower Women to put the voice out and experience their own aliveness through authentic feeling.
Visit the Voz da Mulher website to read more:


I offer ANGER, FEAR, JOY CLUB, Basic Inner skill navigation and Emotional Healing Processes. A life without depression, helplessness, jealousy and anxiety is possible. 


Building Inner Structure is going back to the pace of the heartbeat. 

The heart feels when I stop protecting it. 

As a child, I got interrupted in my natural path of evolution by rules, abuses and having people around who are not able to hold space. Building Inner Structure is finding the red string again. What is next? And now? And now? 

Humans stopped following this inner natural and organic path. 

When I was a child, at a certain point, it became not okay to play the game I want to play. 

I started to look outside for the 'red string' to be loved, to get attention. Please tell me what to do! But what I do is anyway not okay. You tell me what my next step is.  

I see how I am paddling to move faster. 

But the river where I am flowing has a natural pace. If I paddle harder, I crash on a stone. If I just flow on the river, I pass the stone gently. 

Where is the rush coming from? Why do I have to reach something in a certain time? 

One sentence could be a key for 1000 Beings to unfold.


Once a month I send discoveries and news about my experiences, experiments and upcoming  events...  You can receive all this delivered to your screen once a month for free by signing up below. 


Thank you for experimenting.